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UNESCO & Fair Trade Schule IGS Kurt Schumacher, Ingelheim
Staat: Deutschland
Stadt: Ingelheim

Founded and established in 1993, our school now offers approximately 1000 students and 90 teachers a place to develop and learn in a peaceful and friendly environment. About two years ago we've initiated an exchange program with our partner school in Rwanda, Africa and maintain a regular exchange with a school in France. We are a UNESCO-Project school with a fair trade kiosk and one-world-days and we are entitled: "School without racism". Our focus is set on theater, arts, music as well as science. In senior high we follow "profiles" where each student can choose their subjects and do what is best according to their aptitudes to graduate. Ingelheim is a lovely city situated on the River Rhine very close to the capital of Rhineland-Palatinate Mainz. It belongs to the world cultural heritage "Mittelrheintal" which is famous for its castles and the Loreley.Excursions to Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, Darmstadt, Rüdesheim and of course Mainz with its Cathedral, Gutenbergmuseum, St. Stephan's Church and its Chagall-windows are a good way to explore the region. Since being close to a good sized metropolitan area, it is also possible to visit several sporting events like football Bundesliga, professional basketball or ice hockey. Wir haben 1000 Schüler, etwa 90 Lehrkräfte; die Schule wurde 1993 gegründet. Es bestehen eine Schulpartnerschaft mit Ruanda und ein regelmäßiges Austauschprogramm mit Frankreich. Unsere Schwerpunkte:- Unesco-Schule- Schule ohne Rassismus, Schule mit Courage- künstlerischer Schwerpunkt (Fach Darstellendes Spiel ab Klassenstufe 6)- musischer Schwerpunkt (Streicherklassen, Orchester, Chor)- naturwissenschaftlicher Schwerpunkt (Technik und Ökologie als mögliche Oberstufenprofile, Wahlfach "Schüler experimentieren" in Klassenstufe 9 und 10, Schulfach Naturwissenschaften in Klasse 5/6 in halben Klassen). Ingelheim liegt am Rhein zwischen der Landeshauptstadt Mainz und dem Weltkulturerbe Mittelrheintal (Loreley) Sehenswürdigkeiten und Ausflugsziele sind: Kaiserpfalz, Rhein-Main-Gebiet (Frankfurt, Wiesbaden), Gutenbergmuseum, Mainzer Dom, Stephanskirche mit Chagall-Fenstern sowie zahlreiche Burgen im Mittelrheintal.

Schultyp: Sekundarschule (Stufen 1 + 2)
Alter der Schüler von: 10 bis: 19
Schwerpunkte für Projekte:  Theater, Sozialwissenschaft, Musik, Kunst, Geschichte, Sprachen
Unterrichtete Sprachen:  English, French, Latin, Spanish
Wünsche hinsichtlich Partnerschule: We wish for a regular annual GAPP exchange:- we would like to visit our new partner school in fall (3-4 weeks, high school visit included)- we would like to welcome our new partner school in May / June (3-4 weeks, high school visit included). We thought about sending 12-15 students to our new partner school and welcoming the same amount of American students at our school. In our school club we would like to initiate E-pals or penpals, blogs and Skype between the students and would look forward to theater, literary and musical projects as well as arts.
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  • USA/Vereinigte Staaten

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