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Kleines Privates Lehrinstitut Derksen
Staat: Deutschland
Stadt: München

Our school, Kleines privates Lehrinstitut Derksen, is a state-recognized school (Gymnasium) in Munich, Germany. Since the founding of the school, we have, in addition to fulfilling the requirements of the state curricula, dedicated ourselves to the political and social education of the young people entrusted to our care. We are a small school with on average 19 students per class and a total number of circa 250 pupils. We are looking for a school to do an exchange.Contact information: tine.hohmann@derksen-gym.de

Schultyp: Sekundarschule (Stufen 1 + 2)
Alter der Schüler von: 10 bis: 19
Schwerpunkte für Projekte:  Naturwissenschaft, Sprache
Unterrichtete Sprachen:  Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Latein, Spanisch, Chinesisch
Wünsche hinsichtlich Partnerschule: We are looking for a school to do an exchange.
Suchstatus: Ich suche eine Partnerschule
Angemeldete Schulen: 853