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IGS Heidberg
Staat: Deutschland
Stadt: Braunschweig

We are an inclusive comprehensive secondary school with about 1000 students and 90 teachers located in Braunschweig (Brunswick) in the middle of Northern Germany. Our region is best known for Volkswagen and Jägermeister. In less than 2 hours you can reach cities like Hannover, Hamburg and Berlin. Brunswick itself has a population of about 250.000 and offers beautiful parks, some interesting sights like castles and pretty historic buildings.At our school the students can reach every German school diploma, so students of all levels learn together. In 10th grade our students graduate and some of them stay for three more years to reach their A-levels. We love working in teams as well as in projects and across subjects. Our students learn responsibility for their own learning from the very beginning by working with weekly plans and choosing their own project topics. We teach English throughout all grades. In grades 9 and 10 the students are seperated in courses for two different levels.Starting in 7th grade we also teach Spanish, French and Latin. Students can choose one of these languages or another elective of their interest.Since our school was only founded in 2012 we would now love to find schools to build long-lasting partnerships for exchanges to offer students very special opportunities to learn about cultures and improve their language skills.You can take a look at our school homepage for further information: https://www.gesamtschule-heidberg.de/

Schultyp: Sekundarschule (Stufen 1 + 2)
Alter der Schüler von: 10 bis: 19
Schwerpunkte für Projekte: 
Unterrichtete Sprachen:  German, English, (French, Spanish, Latin)
Wünsche hinsichtlich Partnerschule: We'd love to first get to know each other and build a "pen pal" partnership but we do also have future regular student exchanges in mind. Maybe a first exchange might be possible in 2022/2023.
Suchstatus: Ich suche noch weitere Partnerschulen
Angemeldete Schulen: 850