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Namanditi South Secondary School
Country: Tanzania (United Republic of)
Town: Songea

Namanditi South Secondary School is located at Namanditi village in Songea in Tansania, East Africa.The school is having the ordinary level of secondaryschool.The school has form one, two, three and four, all having both gender.The school offer as directed by the government they include Basic Mathematics, English, Geography, Chemistry, Physics, History, Biology and Swahili.BODY SIZEThe school has a students population of 300, teachers population is 16. Non- teaching staff are 10.VISIONTo be a world class institution eradicating, illiteracy, poverty and social injustices through academics and socio-ethical formation.MISSIONTo eradicate illiteracy, poverty, child labor, early marriage, early pregnancies, drug abuse through provision of quality and reliable education hence improve the living standards through self reliance.MOTTOEducation for better life.

Type of the school: Secondary School (Both)
Age of the students from: 14 to 18
Main project topics:  Arts, Natural Sciences, History, Sports
Languages taught:  English, French and Swahili
Requests concerning your future partner school: We are requesting partner school all over the world. we would like to establish an email partnership between our students, who could then really use and develop their language skills.
Search status: I am looking for another partnership
Declared Schools: 851